Sunday's & Business

3 Easy to implement tips on Financial Planning

September 18, 2022
minute read

Happy Sunday! welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS, this week featuring Moshe Alpert, CLU® CFP® ChFC® from Northwestern Mutual with 3 easy to implement tips on Financial Planning!

Understanding business structure

There needs to be much more emphasis on making sure that businesses in our community are structured properly. This is for both taxes and organizational purposes. (simple example: If you are a sole proprietor and can be an S corporation, for example, that can make a huge difference.)

Secure, organize, and build

Ensure you have the right insurance for your business to properly manage risk. Accurate bookkeeping is a must. An organized business can maximize its dollars. And remember-your business and your personal finances are very connected!

Forget the rush

Don't rush your financial decisions. Think it through and make calculated choices. Small differences make a big difference in the long term. and that's exactly what I do best; Using my knowledge, background, experience and research to create a customized financial plan based on YOUR NEEDS, YOUR LIFE, and YOUR GOALS.