In order to start payroll, you must register your company with your state's withholding tax and unemployment insurance divisions.
Before you begin, it would be helpful to have the following information at hand:
•Legal Address / Mailing Address
•Start date for your business
•Contact information, titles, and Social Security Number(s) or SSNs for your business officers
•A Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN) for pre-existing businesses only*
Note: If you have employees working in multiple states, you must register with each state individually.
In some states, a combined registration option is available for both the Withholding Tax and Unemployment Insurance Divisions. This option will be marked as 'combined registration' in the withholding column. With the exception of a handful of states, you can file this application online. Below are the links for each individual state by tax type. For states that do not offer an online registration option, we have indicated this as 'paper only.' Note: If you have employees working in multiple states, you must register with each state separately.