Sunday's & Business

Starting Out In Sales

Pincus Schiff
August 27, 2023
minute read

Happy Sunday! Welcome back to SUNDAYS & BUSINESS. This week features our very own CMO and Co-Founder Pincus Schiff,  with three easy-to-implement tips on Starting Out In Sales!

Understand Your Product

Before you can sell something, you have to thoroughly understand it. Ask yourself the following questions: What am I selling? Which problem am I solving? Which clientele struggled with this problem and will be ready to pay for a solution? And remember: never sell to someone who doesn't need your service or product.

Build Your Reputation

Building a reputation for yourself in your industry is crucial for long-term success. Become "the" expert in your product, know all the ins and outs, and whenever you encounter a complicated question or situation, do thorough research until you find the right answers.

Also, make sure to maintain a strong online presence. It goes a long way.

Look At The Long Term.

People easily get carried away with wanting to earn short-term money. Stand out by looking at the long term. Be honest, build trust and credibility, and focus on long-term relationships. Also, know that it is okay to say no to people who are not the best fit for your service or product. Be consistent, and never give up!

We hope you found this week’s episode insightful and helpful.

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Have a successful week ahead!