Team Management

Ways to Increase Motivation in the Workplace

July 31, 2023
minute read

Ways to Increase Motivation in the Workplace


There are often days when employees feel motivated and accomplished, while some days, they lose that motivation. That said, it can become an issue when their coworkers are frequently disengaged.


Employees who are not engaged cost the world around $7.8 trillion annually in lost productivity – that’s a staggering amount for something that can be corrected. The team at FRIDAY has comprised a list of helpful tips on how you can motivate your employees everyday.


Most of these tips cost absolutely nothing, and can be applied in any type of organization, regardless of its size. In 2023, it’s time to build teams that are more engaged and motivated, and it all starts with recognition.


1.   Recognize Exceptional Work


Everyone wants to feel appreciated, especially at work. One of the most important things that contribute to employee motivation is how often their efforts get recognized.


A whopping 70% of employees claim that their motivation at work would improve tremendously if they received more recognition from management.


With that said, if an employee produces impeccable results but their hard work and consistency goes unnoticed, why would they want to continue performing well at their organization? Aside from this, there are several other benefits of employee recognition, including:


·     Better working relationships

·     Employee retention

·     Employee engagement


In addition to recognizing great work, how you recognize your employee’s contributions to your company also has a major impact on their performance. Employee recognition shouldn’t be limited to one annual bonus – it should be given frequently.


2.   Set Measurable Goals


Every individual that’s been in the workforce has had to face projects that never seem to end. It can be extremely frustrating to be stuck on the same assignment without seeing visible progress.


Progress indicates that an individual’s work is contributing to the organization they work for. With this in mind, setting achievable goals boosts motivation every time one is accomplished. Additionally, it keeps employees on the right track.


The best way to follow up on these achievements is by celebrating them as a team.


3.   Celebrate the Results


Setting measurable goals is crucial as it provides a plethora of opportunities to celebrate your employee’s hard work and consistency. It’s important to commend your team’s contributions on a frequent basis – it will move your company forward.


When giving praise, it should be specific. A “good job” won’t do much of anything. Instead, tie your employee into the bigger picture – let them know you appreciate their contributions to your company.


4.   Remain Positive


Positivity is a great thing that can transform any work environment for the better, however, it’s certainly not easy to be positive all the time, especially when things tend to get stressful at work. Negative emotions have a habit of interfering with a positive mindset.


Because of this, it’s important to find ways to insert positive experiences into your employee’s interactions to build a more positive workplace environment. In fact, it’s a competitive advantage to have employees who are genuinely happy.


After all, positively has a huge impact on your team’s work experience and relationships, which contribute to success, engagement, and motivation.


5.   Encourage Regular Breaks


In such a fast-paced world, it can be tough to stop and take a moment for yourself. Stressing over one problem for hours on end is far from productive. Stepping back to take a breath is the best thing your employees can do for themselves during times of frustration.


Consider it a moment to refresh – a recharge. Working nonstop isn’t good for your health. Encourage your team to take a short break every hour or two, as it can have a positive effect on their mind and body.


6.   Be Transparent


Every relationship, work relationships included, is built on trust and reliance. Transparency is the best way for your employees to build trust with one another. As a leader, you should also be transparent with your team so they can learn to trust you.


7.   Envision Positive Outcomes


If you can dream it, you can do it. It’s a lot easier to reach success when you envision it. This is a technique practiced by professionals in various industries. Provide your team with a clear objective and help them to understand what it would mean to achieve it.


When an employee makes progress towards that goal, you can then share that progress as a motivating factor for your entire team.


Motivation is Key


Motivating your team isn’t something to do every once in a while. It should be a frequent practice within your organization, and it stems from a positive leader. Work to find the fun in everyday activities and pay close attention to what exactly makes your organization great.


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